Color Variants: Pleasing or Teasing?


Color variant options for figures…do you find having another option pleasing or teasing?

For the most part I find them teasing. Seems more often then not there are traits of both color variants that I find appealing and run in circles trying to figure out which I ultimately prefer. Usually in such a situation I’ll go for whatever color scheme the original illustration is based off of…but I’ll still feel a twinge of sadness over the existence of the other version. I rarely will buy both color variants but choosing one forces me to think quite hard and over analyze the prototype pictures. Kind of like “perhaps if I stare at the two of them long enough side by side the answer will present itself!” When it came to the Crimson or Noir versions of the Gothic Lolita Rei/Asuka sets the answer was quite obvious for me and required no thought. The Noir versions for me.


Why do I bring this up now? I’m actually facing the most difficult color variant option I’ve ever encountered and am rolling all over the floor unable to decide on one of the two with complete satisfaction. I don’t know whether to go for the Baby Blue or Royal Blue Maid Rei by Kotobukiya! I absolutely love the Baby Blue Color of the dress in the first one, but the Royal Blue really makes the second one pop. I like that the red on the dress of the Royal Blue one makes her eyes really stand out, but I think I like how the white laces on her dress blend in more on the Baby Blue one. Also don’t even get me started on the fact that a white variant exists! It’s exclusive though.

Am I overthinking this? You bet! But I can’t stop!


Clalaclan is the one figure I bought both variants of? Why? Well there are many reasons.

#1 – I love that one is black, and the other white. I’m a big fan of the sort of ying and yang visual these two present. I only wish they were mirrored, that would look really sweet to have them back to back and looking at you.
#2 – I had somehow ended up collecting all the Shining Kotobukiya ladies and had I skipped the Noir version I’d be one short of a potential complete set!
#3 – They were cheap (for a figure), each one was a US version and cost me $35.00.


Although if you’ll notice all the examples I gave above are Kotobukiya…gggrrr Kotobukiya why must you torture me so! Although they’re not the only color variant culprits out there they’re the ones that get me the most!

12 Responses to Color Variants: Pleasing or Teasing?

  1. xjaymanx says:

    @Luckie-chan: Gahhh, I know what u mean!

    But the only one which came closest to teasing (and thus being bought) was Koto’s Gothloli Asuka, Crimson. I already owned the Gothloli Asuka, Noir version, but she looked pretty damn good in red. It’s her color after all. Rei not so much, lol. But ultimately, I resisted the urge. And I’m glad… Noir is the best version indeed. ^_^

  2. Panther says:

    It depends. Sometimes, there are better limited versions of different colored schemes for a figure, at events, and those are usually, for me, worth their weight in price. But then again there are those, like the recent KOS-MOS T-elos scheme (which is seriously stupid considering T-elos is a totally different android based on the same design as KOS-MOS) that are totally worse than the original in color.

    In the end, different colored versions would be fine if they look better than the original for events, though I would hardly mind if they release variants of an original but not as exclusives and not more highly priced either.

  3. Ayu says:

    I totally know what you mean! I am weak for color variations too… For example, I still can’t decide on which Griffon Sasara (I LOVE pink but the stockings should always be black…) or which Yamato Non Non to get (same reasons pretty much). Other things like the limited/exclusive but barely different figure variations like Miku or Melissa nendoroid WF editions.

  4. OpenHappy says:

    I buy one and a better looking color variation shows up. What do I do? Worse yet, there are two. One I like and one color variation that is 50% off. Which one do I get? Decision, decision.

  5. lovelyduckie says:

    @ jay – Man I cannot load your blog at work. I don’t get it my computer just gives up. Here is my banner I’ll post on your blog later tonight

    @ Panther – It’s easier for me to deal with a repaint when one is ridiculously more expensive then the other. It’s easier for me to write off the other one even if I like it more. I thought the Telos paint scheme looked nice if you didn’t know anything about the fact that they’re 2 completely different characters. When you know that it seems cheesey.

    @ Ayu – I really liked the Seraphy WonFes Nendoroid, that cape and that evil smile 🙂 I love it.

    @ Open – I bought the White Cla and THEN the black one was announced 🙂 If one color variation is 50% off I’d get that one or hell get both! At 50% off why not! (although I’m assuming the figure wasn’t incredibly expensive to begin with when I say that)

  6. Ayu says:

    @Lovelydukie: Really? I really want both too, but can’t decide… the normal version has the faces I want, but the exclusive one has the cape and crown T_T

  7. xjaymanx says:

    @Luckie-chan: Curious! Let me ask, which browser do u use at the office? Since 2007, the unreliable IE6 thru IE8 have been having problems with it. Especially with my longer posts approaching 90-100 images. Thankfully, Firefox on my PCs or iMac are flawless…. Ahh, thanx, I’ll make a note and expect your link again after work! ^_^

  8. xjaymanx says:

    P.S. Unfortunately, your linked banner above isn’t 468×60. Actually, it’s 321×60, lol. I’ll wait for the right one tonight!

  9. Ayu says:

    By the way, can I add you to my blogroll? ^^

  10. Persocom says:

    So far no problems with color variants for me, but I do have problems with alternate versions of figures… best example is the current 4 Haruhi figmas out and/or coming out… or those WonFes nendos… Either way color variants and alternatives pose a problem. Do you buy one, none or all. I’m sure I’m bound to run into the color problem sooner or later though, but in most cases I’ll go with the darker shades because they’re more pleasing on the eyes for me.

  11. Blowfish says:

    I think of colour variants as rather teasing than pleasing.It is especially bad if both variants have their great points.

    Concerning your Rei isssue:
    I think id go with the Royal Blue Rei.The Blue is not as close to her hair like the Baby Blue one and I really like the accents the red pendant and the yellow tie give.On the other hand i prefer Baby Blue Reis shoes ^^;

    Clalaclans aura changes alot with the colourswap.Different part of her body are more accentuated.

    I hope youll soon find a way out of our dilemma

  12. lovelyduckie says:

    I definitely prefer Royal Blue Rei, she matches the Asuka in the bright red dress better! Hurray for more Evangelion pairs!

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