ICO – Review Blurb

July 24, 2008

PS2 – 2001

Quick Summary
You [ICO] are a young boy with horns who seems about the age where he is on the brink of going into puberty. You are carried across multiple landscapes to a castle in the middle of a body of water where you are locked up in a sarcophagus. Children with horns are thought to be a bad omen and the villagers sacrifice those children in fear. Although naturally the tale doesn’t end here, the ground shakes as the villagers leave and ICO rocks the sarcophagus until it falls over and breaks.

As ICO is escaping he comes across an ethereal looking girl [named Yorda] locked in a cage. Do you leave her? Of course not! You free her, she seems to be a very nice but completely ignorant girl that acts more like a baby chick. As you attempt to escape it’s revealed that Yorda is the daughter of the Queen of the castle and that neither will be allowed to leave. After which point you spend the rest of the game solving puzzles in order to escape while being pursued by hordes of dark shadowey foes that attempt to grab Yorda and it’s your duty to rescue her each time. You lose the game if you don’t save Yorda from the shadow creatures in time.

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Hell Girl – Review Blurb

July 24, 2008

Quick Summary

Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) has a cool concept, it centers on Hell’s Correspondence which is a web site that can only be accessed at midnight by those with a deep grudge, you submit the name of the one whom you wish to punish and the Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) will appear before you. The Jigoku Shoujo, Enma Ai, offers to immediately send that person to hell for you…however after you die you will have to pay a price by going to hell for all eternity as well. She then hands you a straw doll with a red string around its neck, if you wish to make the contract with her you simply must pull the string.

Each episode focuses on those who access Hell’s Correspondence and the events that push them to the point of damning themselves to hell for a bit of revenge. Eventually a detective and his daughter show up in each episode and act as a link and a developing plot between all the episodes as they attempt to stop Enma Ai and those she makes contracts with.

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The Anime Weapon Game

July 24, 2008

How well do you know your anime??? Well I make these games for the forums I’m on and I thought I’d post them here as well. Feel free to answer my challenge by commenting on what the answers are!

Which Character Does This Weapon Belong To?

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